"Comparative Study of the Scholastic Ability, Scholastic Achievement an" by Deloris E. Mangels

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Home Economics


The status of the professional home economist is dependent at least partially on the relative standing of the home economics student to other students. While it is recognized that additional factors influence the home economist’s status upon graduation, it is felt that certain knowledge concerning the background of the home economics student would provide valuable information basic to developing a better understanding of home economists and their professional. This study is designed primarily as an investigation of the students enrolled as home economics majors at South Dakota State College. It concerns comparative data of the home economics and the non-home economics students in terms of scholastic ability, scholastic achievement, and activity participation. It was found that the South Dakota State College home economics students compared favorably with the total student group in the college in terms of scholastic ability as measured by certain standardized tests and achievement in high school. The also compared favorably with the scholastic ability of non-home economics students. The home economics students compared favorably with the college enrollees in scholastic achievement as measured by marks indicating their attainment in core subjects and total subjects as well as their rank in the college graduating class. The pattern of activity participation by home economics women was shown to be similar to that of non-home economics women. The extent of high school and college group activity participation was found to compare favorably with non-home economics women. Some differences were noted in the degree and the type of cultural and social activity in the two groups.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts -- Students.
Home economics students -- South Dakota -- Brookings.
Home economics -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Dakota -- Brookings.



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


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