"Comparative Effects of Two Different Physical Education Programs Upon " by Charles Russell Reynolds

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Physical Education


The matter of being physically fit is not just that of building muscles. Although strengthening exercises are a very important part of a developmental program, the results attained for the individual go beyond this more apparent phase of the process. Along with increasing strength, other such benefits include increased organic vigor, stamina, poise, and an improved mental outlook. Many investigations during the past twenty-five years have substantiated these assumptions. Thus, one of the physical educator’s prime duties is to increase his pupils’ muscular strength, which is basic to all other growth and development. The importance of physical fitness was brought into focus recently by the announcement of the results of the Kraus-Weber Tests administered to 3,000 European children and over 4,000 American youth. All tests were administered by the authors themselves and were completely standardized. The findings indicated that fifty-seven percent of the United States youngsters tested failed one or more of the six tests for muscular strength and flexibility, while only 8.7 percent of the European youngsters failed. Objectives of physical education have been stated by many writers in the field of physical education. A majority of these writers list physical fitness, either directly, or indirectly, as one of the objectives of physical education. However, in order to obtain evidence to substantiate the realization of these objectives, one is confronted with a great deal of superficial discussion in an effort to estimate values of regular participation in a physical education program. The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in the physical fitness, as measured by the Roger’s Physical Fitness Index, and the motor educability, as measured by the Johnson-Metheny Test, of twenty-five ninth and tenth grade boys who were under two different types of physical education programs for a period of ten weeks.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Physical education and training
Physical fitness


Includes bibliographical references (pages 48-50)



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
