"A Study of the Provisions Made for the Gifted Students in Public Secon" by Mervin J. Healy

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

Department / School



For some time educators have been concerned with the problems of the gifted student and with the problems these students present our schools. For the most part of our schools are geared to the average student and educators have been cognizant of the possible waste of rich human resources. Many persons feel that the gifted students of South Dakota, as well as other states, are entitled, by virtue of our democracy, to a full development of their potentials. When better education for our youth is spoken of, one must keep this thought uppermost in mind: good education is the best investment which can be made; not only are the lives of the individuals receiving the education enhanced, so are the lives of others, as well as the lives of generations to come. The people of South Dakota nay have been guilty of some complacency as far as better education is concerned. Educators must never be guilty of complacency. It is up to them to spur the public into improving our schools. Necessary leadership must be provided to bring about needed improvements. The public must be given facts based in research that will motivate them into action. Education needs the support of the people. Motivating the people into supporting special programs for the education of the gifted student might seem to be a large task, but this is not always the case. According to a panel of leading educators, in a special meeting concerning programs for gifted students, in Washington, D.C., many communities are frequently ready and often clamoring for special programs for their gifted students. State legislators have passed a law which will put guidance services in every public secondary school in South Dakota. This may be a golden opportunity for our schools to initiate special programs for the gifted. The problem of this study was to gather information concerning the offerings for the gifted students of the public secondary school of South Dakota. The answers to the following general questions are used to assist in drawing conclusions to the main problem: (1) How many of the public secondary schools in South Dakota offer special programs for the gifted student? (2) What methods or techniques are being used in special programs for the gifted? (3) At what grade levels are the special programs offered? (4) How are the gifted students identified? (5) What courses are being offered the gifted students? (6) How long has the special program been offered?

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Educational acceleration
Gifted children


Includes bibliographical references



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
