Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Sociology and Rural Studies


Pages of history are filled with the recording of man’s movement from an area of lesser opportunity to one with a more favorable environment for security and happiness. The Dakota people too were lured toward “greener pastures” like countless ages of people have been. However, the needy migrant (particularly the Indian) in American life may well find himself a virtual outcast, not only from his own parent group for forsaking his “gemeinschaft” affiliations, but because the migrant is not yet a legally-qualified resident of the new community. In spite of the unforeseeable shortcomings which any migrant may encounter, however, migration has been an essential part of American life. The general problem of this thesis was to study some of the factors associated with the migration of Indian individuals from the reservation setting. Particularly though, the problem was to study the selected factors which might be associated with the migration of Indian individuals from the reservation setting and to compare them with those of non-migrants in hopes of clarifying some of the conditions leading to migration. The hypothesis is: there are significant differences existing between the non-migrant and the while-leaving migrant. Sub-hypotheses concerning the selected differentials are those regarding: (1) amount of education, (2) sex status, (3) amount of Indian blood, (4) number of children, (5) veteran status, (6) amount of land, (7) job qualifications, (8) amount of on-reservation kinship ties, (9) amount of off-reservation kinship ties, and (10) choice of spouse.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Brule Indians
Indians of North America
Migration, Internal


Includes bibliographical references



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
