Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Electrical Engineering


Many attempts have been made in the past few years to construct small implantable radio transmitters which can be used to study physiological characteristics of unrestrained animals. The success of these units has increased almost directly with the “state of the art” of transistor circuit design, and considerable heretofore unobtainable data is being collected in this manner. Most of the effort, and success, has been with transmitters for the study of heart rate, core temperature, and alimentary canal pressure. The study of bloat in ruminants is believed to be an application for which the use of such devices would be particularly suitable. A pressure sensitive transmitter placed in the rumen of an animal would allow continual but remote monitoring of the pressure while the animal is in a natural and undisturbing environment. The three primary characteristics believed necessary in a transmitter for this purpose are: (1) a size which is small enough to be given the animal orally, yet large enough to remain in the rumen; (2) a relatively long operational life which would allow observations to be conducted over an extended period of time with a minimum of harassment to the animal; and (3) a sensitivity such that observations of normal rumenal activity can be observed. This study will outline the design and construction of a unit that will record such data.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Radio -- Transmitters and transmissions


Includes bibliographical references



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
