"A Study of Disturbed and Maladjusted Indian Children" by Winifred T. Echelberger

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

Department / School



In this study of disturbed and maladjusted Indian children, the author hoped to show that there is a need for more knowledge in this field, that there is an increase in the number of emotionally upset Indian children, and that the socio-economic structure of the home area is a contributing factor in the problem. The results of a questionnaire showed that other workers with Indian youth did indeed feel that there are a large number of disturbed and maladjusted Indian children in many areas where Indian citizens comprise a high percentage of the general population such as many areas in South Dakota. Respondents estimated twenty-nine per cent of the Indian children in their areas as being disturbed, thirty-four per cent maladjusted to school, twenty-four per cent maladjusted to home life, and twenty-four delinquent. This is a very high percentage as compared with an estimate of three to four per cent of the general school population (Morse’s estimate), and does give an indication of the seriousness of the problem. Results of this survey, a study of autobiographies, and visits to homes all showed that most of the disturbed Indian children were raised in other atypical situations such as largely female-dominated homes. In these homes the children were neglected, rejected, or put in an institution either by parent or welfare personnel on the reservations. Divorce, alcoholism, illegitimacy, and delinquency were closely associated with the homes, and relief was the predominate method of support.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Indian children -- North America


Includes bibliographical references



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
