"An Experimental System for Beta and Gamma Ray Spectroscopy" by Ora William Leisure

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School



A nucleus may be left in an excited state following a radioactive decay or nuclear bombardment process. However the lifetime of a nucleus in an excited state is usually very short (1) and the nucleus may undergo and electromagnetic transition to a less excited state. The transition from one nuclear state to another of lower energy can proceed by any on the three processes: gamma ray emission; internal conversion; and internal pair creation. The resulting nuclear state may be stable or further electromagnetic transitions and radioactive decay processes may follow. Important information concerning nuclear properties can be obtained from experimental observations of the aforementioned nuclear electromagnetic transitions and particles emitted during any accompanying radioactive decay process. (see more in text)

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Beta rays
Gamma rays




South Dakota State University
