"The Effect of a Progressive Weight Training Program on Arm and Leg Str" by Vicky Lynn Larson

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Physical Education


The purpose of this investigation was to determine the relative effects of a progressive weight training program on the arm and leg strength, resting heart rate, body adipose tissue, and selected body measurements of college freshman women. Thirty students were selected randomly from volunteers from all of the freshman women enrolled in the required freshman physical education program at South Dakota State University, equated by a strength test designed by the writer, and randomly placed in an experimental or control group. The experimental group participated in a progressive weight training program over a seven week period. Six exercise stations on a commercial device, the Marcy Gymnasium, were used in the training program. Each subject selected a resistance (weight) which she could lift four or five times in one set and continued to exercise with that particular weight until she could perform ten repetitions in one set. At this point in the program the weight was increased. The subjects progressively added weight during the training program. Initial and final tests were administered to both groups to determine strength measurements, adipose tissue measurements, selected body measurements, and resting heart rate. From this study the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Both the experimental and control groups increased in strength development; however, the exercises used in the weight training program employed in this study did not produce a significant increase of strength in right or left elbow flexion, right or left elbow extension, left knee flexion, and right or left knee extension of the experimental group over the control group. There was a significant increase in right knee flexion at the five percent level. 2. The weight training program as employed in this study had no significant effect on resting heart rate. 3. There was a significant loss of adipose tissue on the cheek, chest, arm, back, hip, and abdomen of the experimental group. 4. The weight training program as employed in this study had no significant effect on any of the selected body measurements.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Physical education for women
Weight lifting
Exercise -- Physiological aspects




South Dakota State University
