"Rural NPO Leadership in Time of Volatility: A Study of Nonprofit Organ" by Mellissa Heermann

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Construction and Operations Management

First Advisor

Ekaterina Koromyslova


This exploratory study determined the legitimacy of the leadership gap in Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs) in South Dakota by collecting quantitative and qualitative data and then comparing the results with national studies. It aimed to understand if NPOs were more vulnerable to leadership transitions and the costs associated with them. It also provided additional insight for future research opportunities. While there were studies on larger NPOs, such as the United Way, or NPOs in more highly populated regions, there was a gap in research for rural NPOs that potentially would not be financially able to research these trends on their own. This gap in research was addressed through a sequential mixed-methods approach. An electronic survey, developed and designed for this research, was submitted to obtain quantitative data. After which, a smaller subset of small NPO leaders and board members were selected, based on their responses, to participate in a qualitative phone interview. These findings were then compared to national data.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Nonprofit organizations -- South Dakota -- Management.



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University



Rights Statement

In Copyright