"The Ashland Press: An Historical Overview" by Paul Joseph Skamser Jr.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Department / School



The Thesis Style Guide calls for a statement of the problem as the first of three sections of the introduction. In the case of my topic there is no problem, as such. What follows is an historical research project. I have endeavored to deal successfully with the broadness of my topic, boiling down 100 years of history into manageable proportions to fit the scope of a thesis. I, therefore, have chosen to call what follows an overview rather than a history in the interest of accuracy and candor. My primary objective in what follows is to offer a history of the Press at Ashland in a factual, concise and readable form. A secondary objective is to put the founding of the newspaper in a historical context, thus the first two sections, as well as to present information on other newspapers in Ashland, thus the ninth section. I have also endeavored to divide the main text of the thesis into meaningful and logical sections based primarily on proprietorships and transfers of ownership. To expand on my primary objective it has been my goal in this endeavor to combine historical accuracy with interesting writing so that this project will not gather dust but be read by those people who have an interest in the history of northern Wisconsin. My goal is to contribute a meaningful piece of research on a segment of my area's history within the framework of my interests, insight, ability and expertise. This study attempted to present a concise history of the newspaper at Ashland, Wisconsin, the Press. It also examined the geographic and historical background of the area in order to put the newspaper in context amid examined the other news papers which have been published in the community.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Journalism -- Wisconsin -- Ashland

Ashland Press (Ashland, Wis. :1872)

South Dakota State University Theses



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
