"An Evaluation of Informal Self-teaching Centers in Selected South Dako" by Mark Kevin Eclov

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Journalism and Mass Communications

First Advisor

Ruth Laird


This study examined the potential of self-teaching centers in 12 selected county offices of the South Dakota Cooperative Extension Service. The self-teaching centers used either 35 mm slide-tape or ½ inch videocassette projection systems as the key teaching instrument. The study measured the time involved in maintaining and using centers and determined any significant variation in a center’s use due to county population and local Extension office differences. The study reviewed when and why the centers were used, and which topics were most often selected. Where viewers had a choice between projection systems, their performances were recorded. Users were asked (in a questionnaire) if they felt the programs were acceptably presented. The South Dakota Cooperative Extension Service will use the information in determining if self-teaching centers should be incorporated into county audiovisual systems. The information may also be useful to Extension Services in other states that are considering alternative ways to deliver information to their various publics.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

South Dakota State University -- Cooperative Extension Service
Agricultural extension work -- South Dakota
Agricultural education -- South Dakota
Audio-visual education



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
