"The Development of the National Forensic League in South Dakota" by Nancy Leigh Wheeler

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Department / School



The purpose of this study was to determine the development of the National Forensic League in South Dakota. More specifically answers to the following questions were sought: 1. What part did South Dakota play in the origin of the National Forensic League? 2. What subsequent influences has South Dakota had on the National Forensic League? 3. What National Forensic League offices have been held by South Dakotans? 4. What has been the nature of National Forensic League activities in South Dakota? 5. How extensively has South Dakota participated in national contests of the National Forensic League? 6. How successfully have South Dakota contestants competed in national contests? As with any discipline, the area of speech has been used by numerous scholars as a basis for research. Specifically in South Dakota, many investigations have been made into speech education and competitive speech activities offered by individual high schools. However, until the current study, no research had been undertaken specifically limited to South Dakota High Schools who have or are currently holding charters in the National Forensic League. Neither had inquiry been made into the development of the national organization in a specific state. Since the National Forensic League involved so many students annually through its district and national tournaments and because numerous South Dakotans have been involved in the National Forensic League at various times throughout its fifty-four year history, a determination of the development of the National Forensic League in South Dakota appeared to be a valuable inquiry. The study may have established how South Dakota became involved in the National Forensic League, how many schools and students have been involved, and how influential South Dakota has been in the subsequent growth of the fraternity.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

National Forensic League
Forensics (Public speaking)



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
