"The Development and Role of China's Revolutionary Press, 1899-1911" by Yu-sheng Chen


Yu-sheng Chen

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School


First Advisor

Richard W. Lee


In the winter of 1899 Dr. Sun Yat-sen, founder of the Chinese Republic and leader of the Revolution, dispatched Chen Hsiao-pai, a revolutionary from Canton, to Hong Kong to start Chung-kuo jih-pao (Chinese Daily). It was the first revolutionary newspaper. In the years that followed, revolutionary publications sprang like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. From 1903, until the Wuchang uprising in 1911, 338 revolutionary journals were published in China and overseas. There were 216 newspapers and 122 magazines. The working staffs of revolutionary journals, including columnists, editors and sponsoring publishers, numbered in the thousands . The speed of their development and their important position in the revolution make it difficult to find a counterpart in journalistic history. This thesis examines the role revolutionary newspapers played in the period between 1899 and the Wuchang uprising in 1911, which was considered the turning point in Chinese history. The Wuchang uprising ended the dictatorship of the Chinese empire. The sources for the thesis have been original copies of some of the newspapers, and histories, biographies, memoranda, and historical and political documents. Most of the references are available only in the library of National Cheng-Chi University in Taipei, Taiwan, and in the collection of the Committee on the Chinese Nationalist Party History. Some newspapers have been translated into English by Mary Backus Rankin in her book, Early Chinese Revolutionaries Radical Intellectuals in Shanghai and Chekiang, 1902-1911 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971), and Lin Yu-tang's A History of the Press and Public Opinion (Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1936), Lin Yu-tang, My Country and My People (New York: John Day Company, Inc., 1935), and Mary Clabaugh Wright, China in Revolution: The First Phase 1900-1913 (New Haven : Yale University Press, 1968).

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Press and politics -- China -- History
China -- Politics and government -- 20th century



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
