"A Study of the Influence of the Chinese Rhetorical Tradition on Curren" by Jian Koh-cheng

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Department / School


First Advisor

Harold Widvey


The purpose of the study was to determine the nature of the rhetorical tradition in China and its influence on the current rhetorical situation in the Republic of China. Speeches delivered from 1975 to 1983 were examined to see whether this tradition still influences speakers. This study sought to find the relationship of Chinese ·traditional rhetoric to modern rhetoric in the ROC. Answers to these questions were sought: 1. What is the rhetorical tradition of China as found in the philosophy of Confucius and Mencius? 2. Does this rhetorical tradition still influence speakers in Taiwan, Republic of China? To answer these major questions7 the following questions were considered. 1. What rhetorical concepts are found in the ideas of Confucius? 2. What rhetorical concepts are found in the ideas of Mencius? 3. To what extent does the Chinese rhetorical tradition include concepts similar to the Western rhetorical tradition? 4. Does an examination of the speeches of modern speakers in Taiwan, Republic of China, reveal the influence of traditional Chinese rhetorical concepts? Confucius and Mencius tried to put their idealism to practical use in their ages, but they did not succeed under the situations of those days. Yet, by the way of peripatetic rhetoric and education they had tremendous impact on the society. Their rhetoric emerged from some ten schools of thought and still has influence. Its structure has not been formalized. My father taught Chinese literature and Chinese culture emphasizing Cong-Meng learning for thirty years until his death. His teaching and his efforts to live the ideals which he taught had great impact on his own community and the culture of central Taiwan. He was recognized as a great man and was called "The Sage of Tsao Tun." After his death people built a hall and made a statue in memory of him. This, again, makes me want to know the answers to questions this study will investigate.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Oratory -- Taiwan
Orators -- Taiwan
Chinese language -- Rhetoric



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


No Copyright - United State
