"The Effects of Steel Fibers on the Plastic Rotation Capacity and Prope" by Khani Sahebjam

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Civil Engineering

First Advisor

M. Nadim Hassoun


During the development of structural engineering, many ideas and concepts were considered and tested. A great deal of research has been done on reinforced concrete, which plays a significant role in current structural construction. Over the past decades there has been a competition between concrete and steel structures. Both concrete and steel structures have some advantages and disadvantages. Obviously, depending on the type of structure, choosing the right alternative is important. Reinforced concrete structures, unlike steel structures, tend to fail in a relatively brittle manner because the deformation capacity of reinforced concrete is limited. When dynamic loadings are involved, concrete structures are not suitable because they cannot absorb strain energy as efficiently as steel. Structural steel has the ability to take a great deal of inelastic rotation at the so-called "plastic-hinges" where the highest moment is applied. This occurs because of the strain-hardening effect of steel that takes place long after the yield strength of steel is reached. There is a very important difference in the plastic design of steel structures and reinforced concrete structures. In steel structures the most important consideration is that the structure is able to develop enough plastic hinges to create a mechanism in the structures to cause a collapse. There is little attention paid to the strains developed in the critical sections during the redistribution of moments. The reason for this is that steel has a significantly high strain energy absorption capacity and is able to take the inelastic deformation. On the other hand, the strains in reinforced concrete are far less than those in the regular mild steel; therefore, it is possible that the strain capacity of reinforced concrete plastic hinges reaches its maximum value. before full redistribution of moments. If reinforced concrete is capable of absorbing the strain energy at the critical sections and is able to undergo considerable deformation without a reduction in its load carrying capacity, sudden and catastrophic failures can be avoided.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Reinforced concrete, Fiber -- Plastic properties
Concrete beams



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


No Copyright - United State
