"Censorship and Control of the University Student Newspaper :17 Case St" by Elizabeth A. Minden

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Journalism and Mass Communications

First Advisor

Richard W. Lee


More than 330 colleges and universities throughout the United States offer degrees or programs in journalism. All of these colleges and universities have student newspapers. The student newspaper is one of the most common vehicles for college-educated journalists to receive their initial news-editorial experiences. The roles student newspaper advisers, college administrators, journalism departments, college student governments and college publications boards play in college newspaper management are important because most professional American newspapers prefer to employ college-educated journalists for their news-editorial staffs. According to Melvin Mencher, professor of journalism at Columbia University, to make the student newspaper a bona fide educational experience for training future journalists as well as a forum for campus opinion and news, the college or university must ensure the campus press is free. To help ensure this freedom, the college or university should provide adequate financing and employ a competent educator-journalist as the paper's adviser. To determine how college student newspapers may be censored or controlled, the researcher decided to examine several university newspapers in the United States. The study investigated the role and function of the college newspaper relative to the campus community; its position in the organizational structure of the university; its relationship to various groups of the campus community; and its internal organizational system. Specific elements guiding the study were: 1. The newspaper's relationship to the university’s administration 2. The newspaper's relationship to the journalism program 3. The newspaper's relationship to the publications board 4. The newspaper's relationship to the student governing body 5. The newspaper's relationship to the adviser 6. The newspaper's funding source (s) 7. The newspaper's 1isted publisher.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

College student newspapers and periodicals -- Censorship
Freedom of the press



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


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