"The Effect of "Al Manaahil" on Spelling and Reading of Students in Thi" by Muntaha Issa Haddad

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Department / School


First Advisor

Harold Widvey


Jordan TV was officially inaugurated by His Majesty King Hussein on 27 April 1968. The corporation's programs are varied, supplying news, information, entertainment, and education. Jordan's satellite earth station was inaugurated on 29 May 1972. In April 1974 Jordan Television (JTV) introduced color for the first time. With the increased viewing over the past fifteen years, there has been a remarkable increase in transmission power throughout the country. In 1980 came the introduction of Electronic News Gathering (ENG) equipment which is used to cover all local news as well as major international conferences. Since 1968 Jordan Television has begun transmitting children's programs, beginning with one-half hour of cartoon films. During 1975-76 children's programs established independence and were provided with supervisors, authors, producers, and directors. The television screen is recognized as an important medium for transmitting information to be received through the human senses of hearing and seeing. As such it has become an educational resource. The program called "Al Manaahil" is a recently developed children's program, and combines education and entertainment, colorful graphics, games, and action footage of locales in the Arab world. This research is designed to determine whether this program has a measurable effect on children's skills in spelling and reading Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). Television is considered to be one of the most important information media available in Jordan and is considered an effective source of information and knowledge in both the school and the home. This study is designed to test the assumption that there is some effect of children's programs in JTV upon children. Specifically, this study will investigate the effect of a program called "Al Manaahil" on spelling and reading skills of children between the ages of six and ten. The research will test the following hypotheses: 1. There is no difference in the spelling skill of the children who viewed Selected episodes of "Al Manaahil" and those children who did not view the episodes. 2. There is no difference between male and female results in spelling skill. 3. There is no difference in oral reading skill of children who viewed selected episodes of "Al Manaahil" and those children who did not view the episodes. 4. There is no difference between male and female results in reading skill.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Television in elementary education --Jordan

Reading (Elementary) -- Jordan

Spelling ability

Al manaahil



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
