"A Comparative Study of the Persuasive Techniques in Japanese and Ameri" by Yukari Nishimura

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Department / School


First Advisor

Judith Zivanovic


The purpose of the current study is to determine the persuasive techniques involved in the TV advertisements currently broadcast in the United States and Japan and the relationships of these techniques to cultural factors. It will be for further studies to measure the effectiveness of these techniques. More specifically, the following questions are to be addressed: 1. What is the frequency of usage of selected persuasive techniques in Japanese and American TV advertisements? The persuasive techniques to be examined were taken from: Ehninger, Douglas; Gronbeck, Bruce E.; McKerrow, Ray E.; and Monroe, Alan H., Principles and Types of Speech Communication, Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1986. The selected persuasive techniques are based on motivational appeal analysis. The motivational appeals to be examined are: 1. achievement and display 2. fighting and aggression 3. power, authority, and dominance 4. acquisition and saving 5. adventure and change 6. curiosity 7. fear 8. deference 9. pride 10. loyalty 11. tradition 12. sexual attraction 13. personal enjoyment: a. luxury b. aesthetic enjoyment c. recreation d. relief from restraint e. pleasant sensation f. humor sympathy and generosity 14. sympathy and generosity15. companionship and affiliation 16. imitation and conformity 17. independence and autonomy 18. creativity19. endurance 20. defense 21. revulsion 22. reverence or worship. Ehninger, et al. listed the above as representative ones among many possible others. They explain their selection of motivational appeals as the ones that many successful speakers, product advertisers, and other persuaders use to tap the motives for action possessed by individuals and groups. 2. What cultural factors may account for any differences in persuasive techniques used? Those cultural factors were examined in the area of each motivational appeal described above.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Television advertising -- Japan

Television advertising -- United States

Cultural relations



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
