"Bench-Scale Ozonation Pilot System for Manganese Removal from Ground W" by Soonpil Ho

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Soonpil Ho

Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Civil Engineering

First Advisor

Dwayne A. Rollag


With respect to manganese removal, many water treatment facilities no longer perchlorinate their influent waters in order to minimize trihalomethane (THM) formation; instead, chlorine is added just prior to filtration. Although this helps to reduce THM concentrations, it also drastically reduces the time available for manganese oxidation. In addition, many water treatment plants are replacing chlorine with strong oxidants such as ozone and chlorine dioxide, but a clear picture of efficiency of these alternative oxidants for manganese control has not been established. Manganese problems in finished water may not be solely the result of lack of effective oxidation during pretreatment. It may also be attributed to the lack of capture of the colloidal manganese precipitate by filter media or to reduction of the oxidized precipitate back to Mn+2 by natural organic substances retained in the filter bed. A bench-scale pilot system was designed, constructed and set up at the Sanitary Laboratory of Civil Engineering Department, South Dakota State University. The pilot system used in this study mainly consists of manganese feed, ozonation and coal/manganese greensand filtration. The research objectives of this study are: With different manganese concentrations in water supplies, 1. To determine the effects of different ozone dosages on the volume of water that can be filtered before breakthrough or backwashing is required; 2. To measure the rate of head loss increase in the manganese greensand contact bed at different ozone dosages.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Water -- Purification -- Ozonization

Groundwater -- Purification




Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
