"The Effect of Mineral Filler, Asphalt Content, and Curing Time on the " by Naser A. Abdalla

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Civil Engineering

First Advisor

Ali A. Selim


Factors such as economy, awareness of environmental problems, and the need for conservation of energy fuels have increased the rate of emulsion use in recent years. These factors have also shifted the efforts to replace cutback asphalts with emulsified asphalts in a majority of paving applications, especially in paving mixtures. This study reports the findings of a laboratory investigation that evaluated the effect of asphalt emulsion content, percent of mineral filler, and curing time on the· design parameters and properties of emulsified asphalt-aggregate cold mixes used in low-volume road by utilizing Marshall equipment. One aggregate type (quartzite) and one type of asphalt emulsion (CSS-1) were used. Sixty specimens were prepared and tested in accordance with the procedure developed by the Asphalt Institute utilizing the Marshall mix-design method, along with minor modifications created for this particular study. The variation of mineral filler in the mix and curing time were considered and analyzed rather than determination of an optimal residual asphalt content for a job mix. Comparative studies were conducted using statistical analysis, and prediction models were constructed to predict cold mix properties utilizing the data obtained from the laboratory. These models revealed that mix properties cannot be evaluated in relation to a single factor, and the interaction of these factors must be considered in the evaluation as demonstrated by various models. However, a basic finding of this study was that curing time has the greatest effect on cold mixes and increasing it tends to enhance their properties a great deal.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Asphalt emulsion mixtures
Pavements, Asphalt
Roads -- Design and construction



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
