"A Comparison of a Model College Advancement Program with the Public Re" by John W. Whalen

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Journalism and Mass Communications


This paper is concerned with the management--planning, implementing and evaluating--of programs and activities designed to advance the understanding and support of colleges. College efforts at wooing publics and winning their support have too often been limited to publicity. Since colleges opened their doors, they have had public relations problems and have made efforts to court various publics--even if that effort was a single conversation each year by the president. The news bureau was called on as a panacea for public relations needs. Even then the public relations of the institution could be thought of as "the sum of all the impressions made by the institution" and when alumni relations and fund raising became recognized facets of a public relations program--indeed when public relations was recognized as a management function--there still was no formal total program for controlling the impressions the institution made by participation in policy-making. This paper was written on the premise that any college public relations program that is organized without considering all publics and all impressions that accrue to the institution will fall short of what is needed today. Many studies have suggested such programs would be administratively awkward," hard to contain and to staff. This paper presents the advancement concept as an approach to planning, implementing, and evaluating a complete program of that nature. The institutional advancement program has never been spelled out or defined. This paper has been an effort to consider the publics, the public relations director, planning, public relations objectives and principles, public relations evolution and how these factors have made the advancement concept necessary as the approach best suited to today's public relations problems in higher education. The public relations effort at South Dakota State University is then spelled out and compared with the model.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

South Dakota State University -- Public relations.



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
