Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Electrical Engineering

First Advisor

Virgil G. Ellerbruch


Traffic hazards on our highways are decreasing with the onset of new safety regulations, lower speed limits and highway design procedures. Unfortunately, economics prevent their complete elimination. New roadways are made safer while old roadways are pretty much ignored. Obstructions such as trees which restrict a motorist's view can be removed but it could be a monumental task to relocate other obstructions such as buildings, or to get the public to agree to the expense of leveling hills which lie too close to crossroads or private drives. Should there be an obstruction such as a hills close to a driveway, a driver of the vehicle leaving the driveway to enter a main road has to guess whet her or not there is a vehicle behind it. At night automobile headlights might provide the necessary warning as they are observed to shine onto nearby overhead lines or the tops of nearby trees. During the day the only warning would be the sound of the approaching vehicle, which in some cases would be muffled by other sounds or closed windows. A system is needed that would detect the presence of a vehicle behind such obstacles and warn motorists. The warning device could be placed alongside the roadway or fence line, depending on state and federal laws, with an indicator placed for easy visibility to motorists. Its design would have to comply with Federal laws and its operation would require the appropriate license. It would be desirable to house the system so in such a way as to comply with present day ecological thought.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Doppler radar Electronic traffic controls Traffic safety



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
