"Evaluation of South Dakota Collegiate Proscenium Arch Theatres" by Kenneth W. Stofferahn

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School


First Advisor

Wayne E. Hoogestraat

Second Advisor

Raymond L. Peterson


The purpose of this study is to determine the adequacies of the proscenium arch theatrical facilities for a comprehensive educational theatre program in the four-year degree granting institutions in the state of South Dakota. More specifically, answers to the following questions were sought:

1 . What are the minimum requirements for a proscenium arch theatre in a comprehensive educational theatre program?
A. What are the.minimum requirements for a proscenium arch stage?
B. What are the minimum requirements for a seating facility (house area) ?
C. What are the minimum requireme11ts for a lighting facility'?
D. What are the minimum requirements for a box office and foyer?
E. What are the minimum requirements for dressing rooms and green room?
F. What are the minimum requirements for a sound system?
G . What are the minimum. requirements for an orchestra pit?

2.How closely do the colleges in the state of South Dakota meet the minimum. requirements?

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Theaters -- South Dakota -- Construction
Universities and colleges -- South Dakota -- Buildings



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
