"Use of Municipal Water Quality Data to Estimate Suitability of Lagoon " by Dale Allen Johnson

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Civil Engineering


There are approximately 184 lagoon systems in South Dakota used to treatment of municipal waste water (4). The water quality of these lagoon systems was not available due to lack of samplings. An investigation was initiated by David Odens to determine the suitability of some of these lagoon systems for irrigation. The objectives of Odens’ investigation were as follows: “1. To evaluate the suitability of lagoon effluents for irrigation on the basis of probable water quality, 2. To classify these waters with respect to their suitability for irrigation, and 3. To estimate the quantity of lagoon effluent available for irrigation in South Dakota (5).” Background information was needed to provide some direction to Odens’ investigation. The large number of lagoons in South Dakota made it impossible to sample all of these lagoons with the available funds provided for the project by the Department of the Interior. To provide Odens with background information and guidance in sampling the lagoon systems, the objectives of this thesis were developed. The objectives of this thesis were as follows: 1. Determine water quality with respect to irrigation of water supplies of municipalities utilizing lagoon systems. 2. Determine water quality with respect to irrigation of lagoon system effluents from available data. 3. Select thirty (30) or more existing lagoon systems to be sampled during the irrigation season to determine the probable water quality with respect to irrigation.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Sewage irrigation -- South Dakota

Sewage lagoons -- South Dakota

Water quality -- South Dakota



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
