"Speech Training and Speech Activities in Institutions of Higher Educat" by Chang Yuh-Sheng

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Department / School



An M.A. thesis in speech on the status of speech training in Taiwan, China, is proposed. From personal experience, this author has discovered some difficulties which Chinese students meet when they take up speech in American universities. The chief reason for this might be that the Chinese students who study speech in American universities and colleges have a somewhat limited knowledge of the speech areas and an. inadequate background of speech training. Since speech courses are elective in most of the universities in Taiwan, the students' interest in participating in speech activities, such as speech contest and ·dramatic performance, has never been highly aroused. The lack of specifically trained speech teachers also hinders the development of speech training and speech activities. This author has talked with many Chinese students on American campuses whose major .subjects are other than speech and found that they experience considerable trouble speaking in public. ·This is due not only to their level of understanding of English but also appears to reflect their insufficient training in speech. There is, therefore, an urgent need for the universities and other educational organizations in Taiwan to emphasize speech and to provide more opportunity for developing the speaking ability of the students. Since the Chinese Government moved its seat to Taiwan in 1949, the Ministry of Education, civic organizations and institutions of higher education have sponsored a number of speech activities in the form of oratory, discussion, debate, and drama. The students involved in these activities have been gradually increasing in number. Unfortunately, no previous studies have-been made dealing with the degree of development of speech training and speech activities in the colleges and universities in Taiwan. The information and materials concerning speech instruction in Taiwan have never been arranged in a systematic compilation. Such a study would help to foster and develop speech training and speech activities in institutions of higher education in Taiwan. This study represents an attempt to assess the status of speech training and ·speech activities in the universities and colleges of Taiwan.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Speech -- Study and teaching (Higher) Education, Higher -- Taiwan

Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
