"An Investigation of the Effects of Instantaneous Jockeying in Queues b" by B. Radindranath

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Mechanical Engineering


In today's world, waiting lines formed by people, machines and other types of units are commonplace. Queues form whenever the current demand for a service exceeds the current capacity to provide that service. In many cases, the interarrival times or service times are not constants, but involve distributions from which the values occur randomly.

A waiting line causes concern when there is an economic value associated with it. A waiting line may have a negative monetary value if units leave without service, or if units have costs as they wait. Idle service facilities may also have a negative monetary value if they imply that the service ·facility is operating below the optimum level. The system analyst attempts to find an optimum solution by balancing the various costs associated with waiting lines and idle facilities.Many different types of waiting situations have been formulated and studied a specific queuing model is a function of

1. Type of population
2. Service station configuration
3. Allowable queue length
4. Queue discipline
5. Interarrival time distribution
6. Service time distribution

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Simulation methods Queuing theory

Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
