Document Type
Thesis - Open Access
Award Date
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Department / School
Civil Engineering
Considering these basic facts an investigation was carried out at South Dakota State University, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, to examine the existence of double-peak and irregularly shaped moisture-density compaction curves. The objective of the experiment was two-fold: 1. To establish the existence of irregularly shaped compaction curves and 2. To examine the characteristics of soils which produce irregularly shaped compaction curves from a macroscopic and also microscopic level. The results of this study should confirm the existence of irregularly shaped compaction curves and also provide information on whether a correlation of the compaction curve shapes and the index properties exists. Knowing the effects of various mineral constituents on the shape of the compaction curve should reveal a better understanding of the fundamentals of soil behavior. The primary effort of the research was focused on obtaining irregularly shaped compaction curves from soils exhibiting different physical properties. In addition, the effect of varying the time between preparation of the sample and testing time was investigated. The incorporation of water into heavy textured clayey soil is very difficult. Thus the effects of the wetting period (time the sample is allowed to stand in a control room to allow even distribution of the water throughout the sample) on the compaction curve was also studied.
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Soil stabilization
Number of Pages
South Dakota State University
Recommended Citation
Suedkamp, Richard John, "Characteristics of Irregularly Shaped Compaction Curves of Soils" (1971). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 5234.
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