Document Type
Thesis - Open Access
Award Date
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Department / School
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
First Advisor
Sung Shin
Authentication, Encryption, Network, Protocol, Security, Sensor
As the demand of individual health monitoring rose, Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN) are becoming highly distinctive within health applications. Nowadays, WBAN is much easier to access then what it used to be. However, due to WBAN’s limitation, properly sophisticated security protocols do not exist. As WBAN devices deal with sensitive data and could be used as a threat to the owner of the data or their family, securing individual devices is highly important. Despite the importance in securing data, existing WBAN security methods are focused on providing light weight security methods. This led to most security methods for WBAN providing partial security protocols, which left many possibilities in compromising the system. This paper proposes full security protocol designed for wireless body area networks consisting of light weight data encryption, authentication, and re-keying methods. Encryption and authentication use a modified version of RSA Encryption called PSRSA, developed to be used within small systems such as WBAN. Authentication is performed by using encryption message authentication code (E-MAC) using PSRSA. Rekeying is performed with a method called tokening method. The experiment result and security analysis showed that the proposed approach is as light as the leading WBAN authentication method, ECC authentication, while preventing more attacks and providing smaller communication size which fulfills the highest NIST Authentication Assurance Level (AAL).
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Body area networks (Electronics)
Data encryption (Computer science)
Medical electronics.
Wireless sensor networks.
Number of Pages
South Dakota State University
Recommended Citation
Shin, Sangwon, "Lightweight Encryption Based Security Package for Wireless Body Area Network" (2021). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 5256.
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