"Effects of Herbicides on Oats" by Lon A. Hall

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Lon A. Hall

Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School


First Advisor

Dale L. Reeves


There has been a steady decline in oats used as livestock feed which began with decline in horses used in agriculture. Feed rations that once contained oats were replaced with a corn ration supplemented with soybean meal. Rolled oats used for baby pig feed were replaced with pig starter. In recent years the demand for oats has increased. Oat bran was found to contain a soluble fiber which research has shown to remove cholesterol from arteries. After this research was made public the demand for oats for human consumption rose sharply. A demand for a high quality, white oat for pleasure and race horses [sic] has also been a factor in the oat market. Continued demand for oats should increase the acreage and production of oats. South Dakota has been the number one or two oat producing state for eight out of the last ten years. There were [sic] an average of 2,157,000 acres planted from 1978 to 1988 with an average production of 55,868,000 bushels of oats. An estimated 40% of the oat acres planted in South Dakota are treated with herbicides each year. Correct selection and application of herbicides plays an important role in the production of oats. Herbicides should be selected on the basis of weed species controlled, probability of crop damage, crop stage, drift to a nontarget crop, and cost. Five of the most common herbicides for oats, 2, 4-D amine, MCPA amine, MCPA ester, bromoxynil, and dicamba, were selected to test their effects on oats. They were either applied alone or as a tank-mix, at different rates and growth stages. Recommended rates and higher rates were used to test the sensitivity of oats. A range in rates were used to show trends and the effect of sprayer overlap. The primary objective of this thesis is to test the effects of commonly used oat herbicides on yield and grain quality. Other related factors such as lodging, visual injury, diseases, and yield components will be determined to show cause and/or effect. Interactions will show whether varieties and/or locations effect herbicide results.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Oats -- Herbicide injuries
Oats -- Diseases and pests -- Control



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
