"Natural Convection in Vented Channels" by Jae-Hyun Rhee

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Jae-Hyun Rhee

Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

A. Moutsoglou


The effects of vent opening size, vent axial location and number of vents on the natural convective cooling of a one-sided uniformly heated vertical channel are numerically investigated. Results for single, double, and triple vents positioned in the unheated wall are presented for air (Pr=0.7). Computational data for mass flow rates, heated wall temperatures, streamwise and transverse velocity and temperature profiles and air bulk temperatures are presented for various vent configurations. Vents located near the bottom of the channel are successful in lowering heated wall temperatures for a short region downstream of the vent below corresponding unvented channel temperatures. On the other hand, any vent/vents positioned in the middle of upper portion of the unheated wall result in consistently higher heated wall temperatures than corresponding unvented channels almost throughout the entire channel.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Heat -- Convection, Natural



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
