"The Profitability of Farm Broadcasting in the Midwest and the Future D" by Michelle K. Rook

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Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School


First Advisor

Lyle D. Olson


The purpose of this study was to determine if farm broadcasting was profitable in the Midwest and if radio station general managers believed that they would retain a professional farm broadcaster at their station in the next ten years. It examined the radio stations that were National Association of Farm Broadcasters affiliates, and employed a professional farm broadcaster. The study analyzed the changes in the farm broadcasting industry since 1980, and how those changes affected the size of the farm listening audience and the type of farm programming the stations offered. It also reported the local and national farm advertising revenues at Midwest farm stations, and how revenues had changed since 1980. The author established a model of the farm broadcaster in the Midwest from information supplied by general managers. This information included the farm broadcaster's age, gender, salary, professional experience and education. General managers were also asked to rate characteristics they considered when hiring a farm broadcaster at their station. The study focused on expected trends in agricultural advertising, farm programming and agricultural networks into the 1990s. It also aided in answering the question of whether or not farm broadcasting would be profitable in the years ahead, and if general managers perceived that they would retain a professional farm broadcaster at their station in the next ten years. Finally, the study helped the author to determine the direction and future trends in the farm broadcasting industry.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Radio in agriculture -- Middle West -- Economic aspects
Advertising -- Agriculture -- Economic aspects




South Dakota State University
