"American Labor Unions: Structure, Conduct, Performance" by Lyle Adrian Johnson

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School


First Advisor

Richard Rudel


Given some specific assumptions, theories have provided specific conclusion concerning unions. This type of theoretical framework, however, provides for a ''narrow" discussion of union activities. General textbooks written about labor unions supply an opposite approach by providing much material dealing with union relationships. A more comprehensive approach, however, may be developed through an analysis of labor unions with industrial organization theories. This type of analysis allows one to see both the forest and the trees. The specific objectives of this research paper are to study: 1. union organizations and their operations 2. antitrust policy toward union structure 3. strike costs 4. union political activity 5. strike alternatives 6. wage settlements 7. union effects on inflation 8. predictive aspects of union “concentrations”




South Dakota State University

Included in

Economics Commons
