"Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation of Carrots and Onions" by James D. Melstad

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Agricultural Engineering

First Advisor

Dennis Moe


Many specialty crops, especially vegetables, are shallow rooted and sensitive to periods of moisture stress. This makes irrigation of vegetables necessary to their production in South Dakota since summer rainfall is normally both inadequate and undependable. A study was initiated in conjunction with the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and the Water Resources Institute to evaluate irrigation of specialty crops in eastern South Dakota. Drop and sprinkler irrigation were utilized for the irrigation of two specialty crops presently grown in South Dakota, carrots and onions. The study was initiated with the following objectives: 1. To compare carrots and onion yields under drop and sprinkler irrigation. 2. To study soil moisture distribution for carrots and onions in a shallow sandy loam soil 3. To determine irrigation requirements for carrots and onions to eastern South Dakota. 4. To compare the economics of drip versus sprinkler irrigation of carrots and onions in eastern South Dakota.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Sprinkler irrigation




South Dakota State University
