"Heterospermic Insemination in Swine" by Donald G. Levis

Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Department / School

Animal Science

First Advisor

A.L. Slyter


The studies report herein were conducted to evaluate (1) if there is a difference in pregnancy rate and litter size in swine between heterospermic and homospermic inseminations, (2) the effect of mixing various fresh cm n components involving spermatozoa in the sperm-rich fraction, seminal plasma from the centrifuged post-sperm fraction and Beltsville Ll extender on oxygen consumption, pH, motility and percent dead spermatozoa and (3) the effect of storage (54 hours) on oxygen consumption, pH, motility and percent dead spermatozoa in the various combinations. One Hampshire and one Yorkshire boar were used in the pregnancy rate and litter size study.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Artificial insemination
Swine -- Breeding




South Dakota State University
