"A Study of the Macrobenthic Community in Lake Cochrane, South Dakota" by David R. German

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School


First Advisor

Lois Haertel


As part of a continuing study of the biological community of Lake Cochrane, South Dakota, a quantitative survey of the macroscopic bottom fauna was made between the early part of April, 1976 and December, 1976. It was hoped that such a study could provide baseline data for an understanding of the interactions that occur between benthic organisms and other biological components of the lake system. The lake's primary productivity and phytoplankton and zooplankton standing crops have previously been studied by Haertel (1972, 1976) and Steinberg (1972). When this study was being conducted, sediment control dams were being built on three ephemeral streams entering the lake on the southwest end. The dams are part of an experiment in lake restoration. If changes occur in the water quality of Lake Cochrane because of the presence of the sediment dams, changes may also occur in the benthic community. In that event the baseline data presented here may be useful for comparison with future investigations. The major objectives of this study were as follows: 1) to describe the macrobenthic composition and estimate standing crop at selected sampling sites in Lake Cochrane; 2) to describe seasonal changes in the populations and the life histories of the major species.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Biotic communities -- South Dakota
Benthos -- South Dakota
Lake Cochrane (S.D.)




South Dakota State University

Included in

Biology Commons
