"The Rhetorical Practices of the Honorable Sigurd Anderson" by Paul H. Rohde


Paul H. Rohde

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Department / School


First Advisor

Wayne E. Hoogestraat


The purpose of this study was to determine the rhetorical practices of the honorable Sigurd Anderson in his public addresses from 1951 to 1978 and the relationship between his rhetorical training and his rhetorical practices. More specifically, answers to the following questions have been sought: 1) What was Anderson's rhetorical training and preparation? 2) What rhetorical tenets were advocated in Anderson's training? 3) What inventional procedures did Anderson follow in preparing his addresses? 4) What practices did Anderson follow regarding arrangement in his public addresses? 5) What stylistic practices did Anderson follow in his public addresses? 6) How did Anderson utilize the canon of memory in his public addresses? 7) What practices of delivery did Anderson employ in his public addresses? 8) How closely did Anderson’s practices in public addresses adhere to the tenets of his rhetorical training?

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Anderson, Sigurd, 1904-1990 -- Oratory




South Dakota State University
