"A Historical Analysis of the Development of Track and Field at South D" by James Elmer Schlender

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Physical Education


South Dakota State College has participated in track and field meets since 1889. In that year South Dakota State, South Dakota University, and Sioux Falls College entered the State Meet. Since then the sport has grown steadily at South Dakota State College. In 1947 South Dakota State College added indoor track to the schedule; and in 1952 the NAIA Track and Field Meet, the AAU Track and Field Meet, and the NCAA Track and Field Meet were added. The author has attempted to collect and record historical data of most summaries, individual and meet records, and available information concerning the track coaches who served at South Dakota State College. Man of the track and field records may eventually be lost or forgotten entirely unless steps are taken to record this information in a permanent historical booklet. This individual problem was undertaken specifically to meet this need of compiling a history of track and field at South Dakota College in order that it may be easily accessible to any interested party. This historical study is listed to meets in which South Dakota State College has participated. The scattered information has been derived primarily from secondary sources. The newspaper accounts which are on file in the microfilm library at South Dakota State College were used, along with the newspapers which are also on file at the same library. Other information was found in the study of fact books published by the athletic department of South Dakota State College and The Jack Rabbit Yearbook. The purpose of this study has been to gather into one place as much of the historical information on track and field activities at South Dakota State College as the author could obtain, and to fulfill the need for a permanent record which will furnish information concerning track and field for historical purposes

Library of Congress Subject Headings

South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts -- Track and field -- History Track and field -- South Dakota -- Brookings -- History

Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
