"A Study of Cumulative Record Systems and Other Guidance Services Offer" by Donald J. Heil

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School



The author has based his study on the cumulative records and other guidance services of the schools in South Dakota with enrollments between 125 and 200 high school students. This was done because the cumulative record in the school is the focal point for all data collected in the students, (thus the central location of the data makes available for the administration, teachers, and other persons of the guidance program). The cumulative record or individual inventory, as those terms are synonymous, is just one of the guidance services. There are five basic guidance services. These are the Cumulative Record or Individual Inventory, Counseling, Information, Placement, and Follow-up Service. Each of the above services will be evaluated by the author in this study within the limits of the survey. The information found in the cumulative records is in the form of test data and non-data. Test data are that information about students derived from a program of testing. Non-test data are any other information about students which can be collected and entered into the cumulative record. Non-test data should include information such as: personal information, name, date of birth, evidence of birth, sex, color, race, and residence of student and/or parents. Other information involves facts about house and community, names of parents or guardian, language spoken in the home, marital status, economic status of the home, school attendance record, heath record, and other miscellaneous records such as employment record during school year and vocational plans. Counseling is one of the services if the guidance program that can use all of the information from other services. Counseling is a person to person relationship. It provides a situation in which the individual is stimulated: (1) to evaluate himself and his opportunities; (2) to choose a feasible course of action; (3) to accept responsibilities for his choice; and (4) to initiate a course of action for his choices. Placement is also a service of the program which should be given a great deal of attention. This does not mean merely placing the students in a college or in other positions after graduation but also helping the students while they are in school. Placing the students in the right grade and/or course, providing assistance in making adequate adjustments in the classroom, and placing students in part-time positions while in school are techniques of placement. The information service supplies information to the students about college and trade school offerings, and vocational information in the field of their interests. Follow-up should be continued in graduates and drop-outs. The contact with these students can serve as an evaluation of the guidance program and the program of the school. It is one means of showing that interests in the students does not cease at graduation or when a person leaves school for other reasons. The author, being interested in the field of guidance, has become aware of the need of a greater interest in the field of guidance in many schools in South Dakota. Gudence is based upon the fact that human beings need help, Everyone needs help or assistance at some time in his life, some will need it constantly thoughout their lives, while others need assistance at only rare intervals.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

High schools -- South Dakota
Student records

Number of Pages



South Dakota State University

Included in

Education Commons
