"Comparative Nutritive Value of Soybean Meal, Sunflower Meal, and Meat " by Smart M. Oruseibio

Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Department / School

Animal Science

First Advisor

C.W. Carlson


Two experiments were conducted over a period of two years to evaluate the comparative nutritive value of soybean meal, sunflower meal, and meat and bone meal. Experiment 1 consisted of 864 Babcock--3OO pullets randomly distributed into twelve diet treatments. Each treatment was replicated six-times with twelve birds per unit. Layers diets were formulated at 16, 14, and 12% protein levels with and without amino acid supplementation. The 12% amino acid supplemented level served as the control in the experiment. Soybean meal, sum-lower meal, and eat_ and bone meal were utilized as major sources of protein supplement in yellow-corn based diets. The parameters measured were hen-day egg production, daily feed consumption, feed efficiency, egg weight, body weight, mortality, Haugh unit, and egg shell thickness. The experiment lasted for ten 28-day periods, starting January 14, 1981, and terminating October 22, 1981. The results of the experiment as measured by the collected data on the criteria stated above showed comparable egg laying performance among hens fed soybean meal and sunflower meal diets. Performance of hens fed eat and bone meal diets was inferior compared to hens fed either soybean meal or sunflower meal diets in hen-day egg production, feed intake, and feed efficiency, and egg weight (P

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Chickens -- Feeding and feeds
Eggs -- Production
Meal as feed -- Nutrition
Poultry -- Feed utilization efficiency




South Dakota State University
