"A Study of the Relationships Between Learning Styles and Teacher Verba" by Karyn L. Converse-Weber

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Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Department / School

Communication Studies and Theatre

First Advisor

Harold Widvey


The purpose of this study is three fold. First, initial explanations will be discovered about what expectations students have in regard to their instuctors' verbal immediacy. Second, these expectations will be examined to see how they compare to what the student actually experiences. Last, this study will use the results of a learning styles inventory to investigate possible interaction of students' learning style with differences in their expected and perceived teacher verbal immediacy. The learning style inventory selected is the Productivity Environmental Preference Survey (Dunn, Dunn, & Price, 1991). The verbal immediacy instrument is the Gorham Verbal Immediacy Test (Gorham, 1988). The following null hypotheses will be examined: H1: There is no significant variation between the scores on the verbal immediacy measurements and the motivation score on the PEPS test. H2: There is no significant variation between the scores on the verbal immediacy measurements and the persistence concept score on the PEPS test. H3: There is no significant variation between the scores on the verbal immediacy measurements and· the need for structure score on the PEPS test. H4: There is no significant variation between the scores on the verbal immediacy measurements and the peer orientation score on the PEPS test. H5: There is no significant variation between the scores on the verbal immediacy measurements and the need for authority figures score on the PEPS test. H6: There is no significant variation between the scores on the verbal immediacy measurements and the learning in several ways score on the PEPS test. H7: There is no significant variation between the scores on the verbal immediacy measurements and the auditory preference score on the PEPS test. H8: There is no significant variation between the scores on the verbal immediacy measurements and the visual preference score on the PEPS test. H9: There is no significant variation between the scores on the verbal immediacy measurements and the tactile preference score on the PEPS test.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Teacher-student relationships
Communication in education
Cognitive styles
Learning, Psychology of




South Dakota State University
