"Intelligent Search Under Uncertain Environments" by Min Cao

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Min Cao

Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Mathematics and Statistics

First Advisor

Bin Cong


In this thesis, we also use what are called the uniform heuristic search, the partial uniform heuristic search and the nonuniform heuristic search algorithms which will be described when used. These methods combine the features of the depth-first search algorithm and the simple heuristic search algorithm. All these heuristic algorithms take less time than depth-first search algorithm, but can not guarantee an optimal solution. With the four heuristic algorithms we develop, any user can choose the elements according to the amount of time the user desires to spend. The more time one is willing to spend, the better the result one can expect. This thesis will use these algorithms in order to discuss a methodology that maps artificial intelligence problems into probability tree searches. Hopefully, this thesis will illustrate the connection between computer science and some basic mathematics.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Uncertainty (Information theory)
Artificial intelligence




South Dakota State University
