"Agouti Locus Modulation of Tyrosinase Transcription" by Shoko Izumi Hagen

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Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Biology and Microbiology

First Advisor

Carl A. Westby


There are many levels at which eucaryotic genes can be regulated, i.e., transcriptional, RNA processing, translational, and numerous posttranslational mechanisms. The hypothesis being tested in this thesis is that the regulatory control of TASE activity by the agouti locus is exerted at the level of TASE transcription. To test this hypothesis, Northern analyses of TASE mRNA, from regenerating hairbulb tissues, was conducted using a hybridization probe (Tyrs-J) specific for the TASE transcript. The Northern analyses provided data to determine differences in the level of TASE transcript in three agouti locus genotypes (a/a, AY/a, and AwJ/AwJ). The objectives of this study were: 1) Conduct Northern analyses of 9 day regenerating hairbulb tissues of black (a/a C/C), yellow (AY/a C/C), and albino (a/a c2J/c2J) mice to determine if black melanocytes contain 3-4 times more TASE transcripts than those of yellow mice. Albino mice were used as melanin-negative controls, since they do not contain detectable T ASE activity. 2) Conduct developmental Northern analyses of 3, 6, 9, and 12 day regenerating hairbulb tissues of wild-type agouti (AwJ/AwJ C/C) mice to determine if the black phase (3, 6, and 12 day) of the agouti mouse displayed more TASE transcripts than the yellow phase (9 day).

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Mice -- Genetics
Phenol oxidase
Pigments (Biology)
Melanins -- Synthesis




South Dakota State University
