"Evaluation of Water Management Practices on Water Table Depth for the " by Cristopher J. Skonard

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Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Agricultural Engineering

First Advisor

Darrell W. DeBoer


The Bureau of Reclamation has proposed the establishment of field demonstration sites in the Lake Andes-Wagner area to investigate the effects of surface irrigation and subsurface design on glacial till soils. The Bureau has extensive planning, design and management experience on irrigated nonglaciated soils in the western United States therefore leaving not fully tested procedures on glacial till soils which provides the basis for this research. The water management model DRAINMOD was successfully modified to incorporate Bureau of Reclamation drainage calculations and bi-level drainage theory into the existing model. Also incorporated were two irrigation scheduling routines that more accurately reflect crop water use and scheduling routines appropriate for South Dakota. Model simulations were conducted using seven years of climatic data and combinations of irrigation scheduling with varying drainage geometries on western and eastern soils. Western and eastern soils are identified as being on either side of Choteau Creek which runs north-south through the project. Drainage is necessary on western soils of the project area along with eastern soils exhibiting a shallow barrier. Bi-level drainage may be useful on the western soils due to the deep barrier. Eastern soils may not require drainage due to a higher hydraulic conductivity.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program (U.S.) Lake Andes-Wagner Unit
Irrigation water-- South Dakota -- Management -- Evaluation
Water table -- South Dakota -- Management -- Computer simulation
Drainage -- South Dakota -- Computer simulation




South Dakota State University
