"Life Satisfaction of Nursing Home Elderly" by Harriet Scott

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Harriet Scott

Document Type

Dissertation - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Department / School

Rural Sociology

First Advisor

Diane Kayongo-Male


Most of the researach [sic] on nursing home elderly has concentrated on medical concerns with few studies of life satisfaction of nursing home elders. Variables used in this study which have been found to be significant in previous research include: current and past activities, visitors, sex, age, education, occupational prestige, financial resources, marital status, perceived and actual health, homogeneity of the nursing home population and expectations of the residents by the nursing home staff. This study tests the significance of the relationship of all of these variables with life satisfaction in nursing home elders. The life satisfaction scale used is Life Satisfaction Index B (Neugarten, Havighurst and Tobin (1961). An attempt to develop a rating scale of the environment of the nursing home is presented. Portions of Moos and Lemke's Multiphasic Environmental Assessment Procedure (MEAP) were utilized in this process. The study included 116 residents of nursing homes in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Demographic information was gathered about the residents from the nursing home files, the residents were interviewed individually, nurses were asked to rate residents' health and current activities of the resident and the frequency of participation were provided by the activity director of the nursing home. Correlations, chi squares and multiple regression were completed on the data. The variables which were found to be significantly related to life satisfaction are: current activities, number of extended family members and church-related visitors to the resident, education, being dependent on Medicaid to pay for nursing home costs, and actual and perceived health of the resident. A nursing home rating scale was developed, but was not considered useable.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Nursing home patients -- South Dakota -- Psychology
Patient satisfaction
Quality of life




South Dakota State University
