"The Use of Warm-up Exercises Among Collegiate Rodeo Athletes" by Jannine Purcell

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Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Graduate Nursing

First Advisor

Penny Powers


sketching exercises, prevention of rodeo performer injuries, college athlete injury prevention


The rate of injury for collegiate rodeo athletes is significantly higher than in other areas of collegiate sports. Rodeo is a sport that has been ignored as far research and injury prevention are concerned. The purpose of this study is to survey a collegiate rodeo team with regard to its use of stretching exercises, to teach stretching exercises to team members, to resurvey the team members one month later to see if they have adopted the exercises, and to discuss any barriers the rodeo team members have toward stretching. The convenience sample consisted of 15 rodeo team members fi-om the South Dakota State University rodeo team. A t-test revealed no significant difference in the number of rodeo athletes who stretched at Time 2 compared to Time 1. The study results suggest that while all the subjects stated stretching was worth doing for injury prevention, not all the subjects incorporated stretching into their health-promoting behavior. Barriers noted were lack of time for rodeo athletes, athletes believe it is more important to warm up their horses before themselves, athletes who are entered in more than one event, Midwestern weather conditions, western attire which made stretching difficult, rodeo arena grounds lack appropriate area for warm-up and stretching.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Stretching exercises.
Rodeo performers -- Wounds and injuries -- Prevention.
College athletes -- Wounds and injuries -- Prevention.



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


Copyright © 2001 Jannine Purcell. All rights reserved
