"Assessment of Smoking Self-Efficacy in Two Groups of South Dakota Nurs" by Christi Hoffman

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Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Graduate Nursing

First Advisor

Patricia Shaver


tobacco use among nurses in South Dakota, psychological aspects of smoking cessation, self-efficacy


Cigarette smoking is a behavior that plagues a number of the general population. The number of nurses in the U.S. who smoke has consistently declined over the years, but remains at 15% which is higher than the 12%goal set for the general population by the Healthy People2010. This comparative descriptive study sent a mailed questionnaire to gather data from randomly selected South Dakota registered nurses to examine smoking prevalence and to determine the level of smoking self-efficacy among nurses who are current smokers and nurses who were smokers and successfully quit smoking. Fourteen percent of survey respondents currently smoke and93% of the current smokers reported that they had attempted to quit smoking at least once. It was also reported that 83-85% of these two groups of registered nurses had started smoking prior to nursing school.
The Smoking Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (SEQ-20) was utilized to measure the level of self-efficacy between the two groups of RNs. This study revealed that the level of self-efficacy of RNs who were former smokers who had successfully quit was significantly higher than RNs who currently smokers.
Further research would be necessary to explore interventions that would successfully assist South Dakota registered nurses to quit smoking. An implication for a change is necessary for South Dakota employers and educational institutions to help registered nurses overcome their smoking addiction.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Nurses -- Tobacco use -- South Dakota
Smoking cessation -- Psychological aspects


Includes bibliographical references (page 39-43)



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


Copyright © 2010 Christi Hoffman. All rights reserved
