"Determining the Relationship Among Change Fatigue, Resilience, and Job" by Robin Brown

Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Department / School

Graduate Nursing

First Advisor

Kay Foland


change fatigue, nursing job satisfaction, resilience, organizational change, Transactional Model of Stress and Coping


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to determine if there is a relationship among change fatigue, resilience, and job satisfaction of hospital staff nurses and if differences exist between novice and experienced staff nurses.

Background: Healthcare is typified by change. Organizational changes have a negative impact on nurses and the effects of organizational change are being overlooked and under researched. Change fatigue is a result of constant organizational change and has not been researched with nurses.

Methods: The study utilized a descriptive correlational design. Participants completed an online survey, using three tools: Change Fatigue Scale, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), and McCloskey/Mueller Satisfaction Scale (MMSS). Results: The participants were 535 hospital staff nurses. The findings of the study report a significant difference between novice and experienced staff nurses in change fatigue (t = -2.9, p = .003), resilience (t = -2.3, p =.01), and job satisfaction (t= -2.0, p = .04). Experienced nurses had higher change fatigue, resilience, and job satisfaction mean scores. The study also found a significant negative association between change fatigue and job satisfaction (r = -.295, p = .000) and change fatigue and resilience (r = -.145, p .002). A significant positive association was found between resilience and job satisfaction (r =.251, p = .000). Multiple linear regression found that years of experience was not significant with change fatigue, resilience, and job satisfaction. Magnet status, unit employed, and marital status are predictor variables of job satisfaction. Education and unit employed are predictor variables of resilience. Education, gender, and hospital size are predictor variables of change fatigue. Linear trend found as size of facility and number of beds increases, change fatigue increases and as education increases, change fatigue decreases.

Conclusions: The study provided new knowledge of the relationship among change fatigue, resilience, and job satisfaction of hospital staff nurses. This new knowledge will assist nursing leaders to become more aware of the effects of change fatigue and develop interventions to prevent change fatigue of hospital staff nurses, which in turn may increase job satisfaction and retention rates.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Nurses -- Attitudes

Nurses -- Job satisfaction

Nurses -- Job stress

Hospitals -- Employees -- Job satisfaction

Nursing -- Psychological aspects

Organizational change -- Psychological aspects

Resilience (Personality trait)


Includes bibliographical references (page 91-102)



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University

Included in

Nursing Commons



Rights Statement

In Copyright