Document Type
Fact Sheet
Series No.
Pregestation, gestation, and lactation are critical periods in swine nutrition. Work at many experiment stations has shown that sows will produce larger litters if their energy intake is limited during gestation than if they are allowed access to a self feeder. In the gestation period, weight gains must be controlled, because over-fatness often decreases litter size, besides increasing feed costs. In the nursing period, plentiful milk production requires liberal feeding; however, there is evidence that milk production is to some extent related to the number of nursing pigs. It would appear reasonable to feed the lactating sow on the basis of number of nursing pigs. A suggested level might be 1 pound per pig plus 3 pounds per sow per day of a 15% lactation ration.
Publication Date
South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University
Recommended Citation
South Dakota State University, Cooperative Extension, "Feeding Brood Sows" (1977). SDSU Extension Fact Sheets. 1045.
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