"Twenty-Five Years of Agricultural Extension Work in South Dakota" by Gilbert S. Weaver

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agricultural extension, home economics, 4-H, agricultural history, cooperative extension service


Organization of Agricultural Extension Work in South Dakota during March, 1912,

Marked the beginning-of a-movement in agricultural education that was destined to influence the economic and social life of rural people in South Dakota for twenty-five years. Only the future will reveal its limitations. Agricultural Extension Work had its inception in Brown county. Farmers, business men, a railroad, a mail order house, and county commissioners of Brown county had formed the Better Farming Association. This organization took the initiative in promoting and inaugurating county agent work. During the span of years from March, 1912, to March, 1937, Agricultural Extension work has become an educational part of the economic and social life of rural South Dakotans. This work is conducted cooperatively between counties, South Dakota State College, and the United States Department of Agriculture. Its principal purpose is educational work among rural people, both adults and young, people. Agricultural Extension Work ranks second in importance only to the State Agricultural College. The object of the Extension Service is to carry to the field the fundamental and basic facts as well as results of experimental work which have been established at the State Agricultural College and Experiment Station. Not only does the Extension Service deal with economic and technical facts but it is also concerned with the social activities of rural people. [Introduction p. 1]




Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State College


This item is in the public domain.


Mimeographed circular no. 223
