"South Dakota Crop Improvement Association Records" by SDSU Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library


MA 29


1923-1973, 2000


3.46 linear feet (4 boxes) photographs


The South Dakota Crop Improvement Association acts as a voice of action in all aspects of producing and marketing agricultural crops, including the promotion of agricultural research and education of members. The collection is composed of records of the South Dakota Crop Improvement Association. Records consist mainly of minutes, agendas, and programs from meetings, crop shows, and banquets.

Historical Note

The South Dakota Crop Improvement Association began as the South Dakota Corn Growers and Corn Breeders Association in September of 1906. It was originally intended to be a temporary organization to improve corn cultivation in South Dakota. However, after the first crop show, the members decided to make the organization permanent, and A.E. Chamberlain of Howard was selected to be the first President.

In 1909, the name was changed to the South Dakota Corn Growers and Grain Growers Association due to the organization’s new focus on improving all grain types grown in South Dakota. In 1924 they decided to merge with the South Dakota Experimental Association, an organization created to test and disseminate new crop varieties, and in 1925, the entire group was renamed the South Dakota Crop Improvement Association.

Since 1925, the SDCIA has continued to work towards the improvement of South Dakota’s seed crops. They have created various groups and committees to work on the testing and certification of seed, such as the Seed Council of South Dakota in 1928 and the Foundation Seed Stocks Corporation in 1944. A state crop show and membership meeting is held annually by the organization to help farmers learn about new seed varieties and farming practices. They have also helped create many county-level associations of the SDCIA to help with agricultural education and the maintenance of pure, certified seed.

Content Notes

This collection consists mainly of minutes and agendas from meetings of the SDCIA, along with the programs, letters, reports and pamphlets that were dealt with in each meeting. The minutes include minutes from the annual meetings, board of directors meetings, committee meetings and district meetings. There are programs for the annual meetings, crop shows and banquets. The letters include correspondence with members of the Crop Improvement Associations of other states and with the national Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies, as well as between SDCIA members. The reports include financial reports and statements, and also reports on the activities of the organization. The pamphlets include the SDCIA newsletter (The Crop Improvement Reporter), CIA newsletters from the surrounding states, booklets of weed laws, and seed certification manuals. In addition there is a history article that was prepared for the agency’s 75th anniversary in the year 2000.

The collection also contains photographs. These are primarily photos of the various crop shows and field days held by the SDCIA.

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South Dakota State University Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library, Brookings, South Dakota.


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